
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Go Girl...It's MY Birthday!!

Aren't birthdays the best possible day? I am a naturally happy almost annoyingly happy person but I take birthday happiness to another level....and Elvis Presley and I are birthday twins soooooo

ECards are one of the funniest things on the internet and I got some great ones today. The one pictured above is so true :) I think as long as you are done celebrating Christmas then birthday presents are an absolute must. My poor little brother was born on New Years Eve so if there was ever a question I would happily volunteer his day to be joined with Christmas but January is off limits. That's what little brothers are for right?!
In addition to the gifts, cards, texts, calls, posts, & mentions I am also surrounded by the freedom to indulge this weekend. Cheat meal...once a week? This rule does no't apply on your birthday. I say you can have as many cheat meals as I want during your birthday week and Mexican is my weakness! My birthday weekend began last night with a date with one of my girlfriends. Let me tell you about this restaurant called Ted's...more formally known as Ted's Cafe Escondido. This restaurant is on another level, for real!! They whip up fresh corn tortillas all day errday and they will rock your world! Not only do they give you chips + salsa + cheese dip upon arrival but they also serve fresh warm corn tortillas that they recommend you slather in butter (sooo decadent) and devour. A normal person with self-control could choose between the tortillas and chips. Not this girl, have to admit self-control is not usually on my resume. Then the entree portion of the meal comes and it is bangin' and then comes desert. STOP IT! Desert???!!! Who even has room for desert at a Mexican restaurant? Well at Ted' you pace yourself throughout dinner and then if that doesnt work you can stand up and move around to make room with no judgement from the rest of the people enjoying their own dinner. Then the Sopapillas come out and your world is rocked, again. This warm puffy tortilla is placed in front of you that is sprinkled in cinnamon|sugar and honey! This was the most perfect ending to my Mexican birthday bliss. And yes...they did put a sombrero on my head and sing Happy Birthday to me and it was amazing.
Today, my actual birthday has been equally as amazing as last nights' dinner. Free Starbucks is always a win, but when they write Happy Birthday on the cup and sing to you at the window we instantly become best friends! It was the greatest moment. On to Whole Foods I went. I don't know about you all but my budget (aka my husband) recommend that a trip to Whole Foods is an extra special, only happens every once in a while, type of trip. This trip means that I have a recipe that requires only the freshest of ingredients, a job that my Super Target just cannot fulfill. I was already excited to make the trip this morning but then free Starbucks put me over the edge! I walked around Whole Foods as I normally do in awe of the variety and freshness of all the ingredients there. Whole Foods to me is like Nordstrom to a fashion enthusiast. I live for Whole Foods. I was talking to the worker behind the counter of the meat & poultry section and he asked how my day was. Naturally 10 minutes into the conversation he was inquiring about my birthday plans. The trip ended with the items I had intended to purchase + the ones that yelled at me while I was walking around the store as well as free bacon from my new friend at the meat + poultry counter. I just cant with this day, it has been the best!!!
I returned home from my morning outing to the most beautiful edible arrangement from my parents + little brother. Bless them for leaving out the chocolate covered anything because inevitably my birthday weekend will come to an end and I will need to eat nothing but fruit for the rest of my life to make up for these 4 days of indulgence.
Did I already mention I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY?!!!

Until tomorrow..

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